Monday, November 5, 2012

~The Sense Of Letting Go~

A lot of us might think that it’s a right thing to own someone that we truly like or perhaps love. Well, it’s just depends on which point of view we’re looking at. Many things in this world might not go the way as we wanted. And we surely can’t blame anyone, or anything that goes against us. After all, everything that happened in this world has its own reasons. And there is nothing we can do about it.

Letting go is not about giving up someone that you love. It’s just a matter of giving them a better place to go or perhaps you think it’s better for them to find their own directions. What is more important in letting go is we understand and we knew that it’s for the better of the particular person. What I’m trying to say is, as long as he/she is happy, there is no harm letting them go. After all, it might be a mistake by keeping them for ourselves without knowing the fact that they are actually unhappy or they are just struggling within themselves.
Of course, we can be a little selfish and just have them for our own without giving a damn about what other people thinks. But is that what we really wanted? ( I know I don’t )

Anyway, brothers and sisters out there, it doesn’t really matter that someday we might need to let go the person we truly love as long they are better off without us. The most important thing is the fond memories we once had will be forever somewhere in our heart. There is an old saying “doesn’t matter if we don’t own them for life, but its good enough for once owning it even just for a while”.  If we’re really meant for each other, I believe he/she will come back to us someday. Deep inside we knew its all worth waiting and there is no regrets. Ever~~ 

3ddie Quah..